Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy new year to all our esteemed guests. 2014 a new year and we offer to you a new home-stay at Kalimpong...."Ruth & Nyer's"... keeping in mind comfort,security and above all hospitality. 
Contact: Norden- 09641191669

Saturday, May 18, 2013

a new adventure destination

Reshi Retreat $ Farmhouse is taking steps to promote itself as a hot spot for various adventure activities which would include Rappelling, Rock Climbing, Trekking, Tent pitching, River crossing, Burma Bridge, Monkey Scrolling,  Paragliding, and White River Rafting. So folks get ready to have some real fun.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fishing at Reshi river on the banks of which the Farmhouse is situated.

two new family cottages are being built at The Reshi Retreat & Farmhouse.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hello there

it had been a long time. was tied up with so many things. so finally got time to enter here. well just to say hi and you are always welcome to the Reshi Retreat and farmhouse. latest development is that we are trying to make a new approach road to our place. we have already held talks with concerned authorities.hope the best come of it, especially with the new administrative system in the hills...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Monsoons started...and the so called tourist season is coming to an end. Reshi looks different and better during monsoons with more greenery and ever swelling river. Monsoon has other activities to offer at Reshi Retreat & Farmhouse. Night raids to catch a special species of fish (locally known as "buduna") and angling (which can be done only during monsoons here) are activities to look forward to. So folks what are you waiting for???

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

much awaited rains...

we had a much needed...much awaited rains. the water sources have got a fresh lease of life. the dust killed on the roads and plants bathed off its dust....looks greener and fresher.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

(Photo: Ritoja, Japanese Dept, Visva Bharati.)

this is one version of Buddhist prayer flags you often encounter in the hills. It is believed that when it flutters the imprinted mantras spread and prayers are thus said.